Late payments: how to avoid them and collect payments

Late payments are responsible for a quarter of all business failures. But even one late payment can cramp your cash flow. Legal measures to recoup the funds can create constraints on your time and resources. A late payment letter may not be sufficient. In this article, we discuss how to handle late payments and how to avoid them in the future. Late payment definition A late payment is …

How to Collect Overdue Payments from Clients and Maintain Good Relationships?

Have you ever had to manage a customer’s late payment and been unsure how to handle the delicate situation to make sure you collect your payment and still maintain a good relationship with your customers? Even the best customers and businesses can become late payers. When this happens, it can put a strain on your organization, which can damage the entire business relationship. To p…

Business cash flow management: the benefits of cash flow management

Here is a list of the top seven key benefits of cash flow management: 1. Paying your employees on time Your staff helps you keep your business running, so paying them on time is essential. It’s a basic and fundamental element to retain their loyalty and attract talents. Thanks to solid cash flow management, you ensure you reserve cash for their salaries. 2. Purchasing what you need …

Business cash flow management: understanding the basics

Poor cash flow management has been the downfall of many businesses so it can’t be left to chance. A regular supply of cash is vital to any organisation, so that it can pay salaries and bills, as well as invest in growth. This is why cash flow management is essential in order to have a thorough understanding of where your money is coming from and to project future revenue to secure company …

Why the best credit insurer in Allianz Trade, Singapore?

Whatever the future may bring, Allianz Trade Singapore, your credit insurer, can help you be prepared by predicting trade and credit risks and protecting your cash flow. As you trade through the year, you make decisions that call for deep insight into your markets and the economic cycle. That’s where we can help you. With more than 125 years of expertise, our global business intell…

What is trade credit insurance in Singapore?

Trade credit insurance in Singapore – also sometimes called accounts receivable insurance – is different from “insurance” in the traditional sense. It is a partnership that provides world-class knowledge and data to empower your trading decisions, backed by a reimbursement guarantee should an unexpected customer non-payment occur. Businesses that choose trade credit insurance in Singapore …


信用管理比較:壞帳準備、保理融資、信用狀、貿易信用保險 選項1:自我保險(呆壞帳準備) 定義:當客戶無法償款時,利用呆壞帳準備金抵銷損失 壞帳準備的優點:  在沒有發生損失的情況下,企業需支出的成本極低  容易管理 壞帳準備的缺點:  公司須自行承擔內部信用管理資源及風險緩解的成本及責任  可能因信用管理的風險考量而訂出過於保守的貿易限額,以致潛在收益減少  營運資本無法流動,進而影…


出口保險(貿易信用保險)能保障企業因未償付的商業債務而蒙受損失,即企業對企業的應收帳款。假如買方因破產、無力清償或其他因素導致您無法如期收到款項,貿易信用保險將會支付該筆未償債務九成的金額,讓您的資本和現金流得到保障,並在您為提升競爭力而放寬信用條件的同時確保收益,進而幫助您取得更優勝的融資方案。 在出口保險(貿易信用保險)的保障下,貿易產生的商業及政治風險即使難以控制,您也能輕鬆對其進行管…


負債比率:如何控制風險/回報的平衡 每一位企業決策者都在為同一個問題而掙扎:在控制總體債務水平的同時,該藉多少錢來投資和發展企業? 沒有人願意錯過成長的機會。但“錯失恐懼症”有時會導致我們採取一些草率的策略,然而,我們希望確保在發生不可預見的開發時不會過度暴露風險。 這裡有一些財務指標,可以讓你正確地評估債務的風險回報。 您的公司有能力承擔更多的債務嗎? 要找出答案,一個關鍵指標是債務比率。 …